sexta-feira, 3 de outubro de 2014

My Pray As Missionary

Dear Lord, I know that You've called me to be a missionary. So I feel myself privileged and apprehensive at the same time. Cause to share the everlasting gospel is happiness, but the Missio Dei is immense and the responsibility is huge. In order that if you called me please enable me to fulfill thy mission. Make me a good servant in your endeavor to share the gospel, with the following profile that I humbly crave and describe below.

My pray, o God, is that there is an effective employee communication that drives missional performance through me. Help me to know everything about the Institute of World Mission, in order to work harder to make it a success. That I don’t wait for my superior to filter information to me, but that I take a stand and ask the relevant questions. Let everything I say be credible and give me a close relationship with my superiors, colleagues and subordinates. To achieve this, I'm already being a self-starter. By Your grace, oh Jesus, let me be someone easily inspired and who inspires the colleagues to improve our current and future situation in the Mission. Turn me reliable, punctual and being always willing to develop myself, my neighbors and the enterprise of sharing the gospel.

I believe, Lord, that nothing happens by chance in the life of a son yours. So I'm Sure that if I got here was not by any chance. Surely the Lord has a purpose. Keep writing this story, God. I want to be a missionary with passion, here or where You send me. Please, teach me to live the practice of the incarnational witness since the deeper motives of my heart until any and all actions of my daily life. Meanwhile I'll follow confident that You have a plan for me.

Please my Christ, prepare me to function as a part of a world team, not just for my personal gain or self-fulfillment, but to achieve the greater goals of your Church as a whole. So, let me understand the purpose behind the Mission and be able to align my own goals to Your purpose.

In your mission, Lord, I want to be self-motivated and always have my eyes fixed on the desired outcomes. Help me have well-thought-out goals and a grasp of what is required of me at all times. I would like to be an independent thinker missionary, and do not go to work just to work, but to learn and grow.

Although external factors are seen as the most important, I ask you to make me be among those who look just as good on the outside as they do on the inside. I want to dress the part. Oh my Lord, let me understand the differences between the different roles missionaries are required to play and the different functions we have to attend and be always dressed appropriately. Let us (me and my family) to honor your name!

And above all, in the process of honing me as a missionary, if You cannot give me anything that I ask above, I ask You only one thing: anoint me with the power of the Holy Spirit, fully. And driven by You, I'll be the instrument You want. “However, I consider my life worth nothing to me; my only aim is to finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me—the task of testifying to the good news of God’s grace (Acts 20:24)”.

In Your hands, 


Valdeci Jr.

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